Their Future. Our Vote. was founded on the simple yet powerful premise that our children deserve a better future, and our responsibility is to build it for them. Lawmakers are making decisions now that will impact children for generations to come, and they have no say in the matter. We must be their voice and, more importantly, their vote.
After spending over a decade working as a pediatrician in children's hospitals, Dr. Annie Andrews saw firsthand the challenges that vulnerable children and their families face every day. She tended to children who didn't have enough food to eat and whose parents could not afford life-saving medications. She treated children who lacked access to technology and resources that, in turn, kept them woefully behind their peers in school. And as a mother herself, nothing was more impactful and terrifying than caring for children who started their day like any other but ended up in the emergency room as victims of gun violence.
Dr. Andrews knew things had to change and felt her duty as a pediatrician and mother was to advocate for children and their families. So, she ran for Congress in 2022. Despite losing her race, Dr. Andrews' commitment to building a brighter future for children by centering a political conversation around their future only grew. Immediately following her concession speech on election night, Dr. Andrews and her team began drafting the tenets that would become the foundation from which Their Future. Our Vote. would grow.
Their Future is an advocacy organization that believes every child deserves a chance to succeed regardless of their background, geographic location, or socioeconomic status. By centering children in political conversations and working to educate leaders and lawmakers about prioritizing children in policy decisions, Their Future seeks to directly improve the lives of children for generations to come.
Their Future works to create a legacy our children will be proud of by ensuring every child has access to quality education, affordable healthcare, and a safe and healthy environment.